We know that showing up to a new place for the first time can feel intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be!
At New Design, it’s our desire that you feel right at home from the moment you drive in!
Service Time
10:45 AM
7102 Ladd Ln
Frederick, MD 21704

Engaging Worship
Every Sunday, we enjoy singing modern worship songs, all centered around a conversational message from God’s Word designed to be both challenging and inspiring.
We hope that your experience will encourage you and your family to take your next steps towards being engaged in the worship of God, empowered to live by grace, and equipped to serve others.

Relaxed Atmosphere
At New Design, there is no dress code!
People can come dressed in jeans and a tee shirt, in khakis and a polo shirt, in dresses, in skirts, in business casual, and even a few in suits…. whatever they are comfortable in.
No matter what stage, age, or season you find yourself in, New Design is a group of people who are striving together to be engaged in the worship of God, empowered to live by grace, and equipped to serve others.

Grab A Coffee
We believe in community, but when you’re new in a church, that can be hard. However, one of the best ways to get to know others is to meet them for coffee! Grab a coffee before service and meet some new friends!
(Didn’t finish your coffee in time? Don’t worry, you can bring it into the service!)
Designer’s Kids is available for children age 4 – 5th grade. They’ll love the relational atmosphere designed just for them, including interactive stories from God’s Word, games, crafts, and time to discuss how to apply what they’ve learned.
Designer’s Tots is for 1-3 years old. Your children will be safe in the care and supervision of our Tots ministry team.